

Have you ever experienced these moments, where you stand still, look around and just observe, without thinking? It's this moment where you don't judge, don't try to be part of or don't try to understand your environment. You just know you're there. At that certain time, in that certain place. You look around and "feel". The only thought that goes through your head is that you're there. Somehow that thought also comes with great happiness.

People are purpose-seeking creatures. It's in these moments that we stop to seek a purpose and just are.. Just be. Also you're happy you are. You are there. You don't "have to" do anything. You can pause and take a breather. You look around and think of what others are thinking. What's keeping them busy. It's with this thought, you can think: "Isn't this great?!" "I'm here. I have my life, my thoughts, my problems, my success and nobody will change that. Not even I have any clue what's about to happen next. But still, I acted the way I did, in the situations given and I will always act the way only I can." Some would consider this a misplaced feeling of being in control and it would scare them. For me, it means you shouldn't be to rough with yourself. You always tried to do your best. (Even if your wish is to do bad.) It's your life and YOU, only YOU can live it. And there will be nobody that could do it better or worse.

It's in that brief moment, even that last part doesn't matter anymore.. Because if it did, you're thoughts started to kick in again. It's that second, that state of awareness, that lifetime, in which you feel: it's good...

Life is a thing, when you learn, you grow

Self Reflection - January 18, 2011: 4:57 pm

What excites you about your life? About the world? What would you like to change about your life? About the World?
There are so many different cultures, different sorts of people, different opinions and ways of life. It fascinates me when I get in contact with life perspectives different then my own. I like to open up to new experiences and be in a constant change, to further develop myself on a personal level. (On a personal and social note, as to who I am myself, as a friend and as a person.) To find a life's situation, that fulfills both my personal and carreer goals. To live in a place that provides in all my needs and to be working in a team, on a subject that truly moves me as a person, in a team that is as passionate and wants to move forward with it as much as I do. To internally be peacefull, to have hardly any distractions, to leave this world, and all the things in it, touched with your presence and better than before.

Imagine today is your 30th birthday, and a reporter is writing a story about what you have done. What would you hope your friends, the people you work with, family members would say about you to this reporter?
He truly has lived wisely, loved well and served greatly.

Imagine you are celebrating your 25th Anniversary at work. Your Mentee is excited and listening to you about what is important in your life, your accomplishments, and your career milestones. What would yuo want to be able to tell him or her about your career, your life and what really matters to you?
What's important in life. To do the best you can. How life is a race, not against others, but against yourself. How yuo should constantly improve yourself, but not be demotivated when comparing to others. You shouldn't. How I have tried to follow my goals, never faltered and in doing so reached out and grasped my hearts desires. How I have added value, while keeping in touch with my core values and did the things with love and passion. How important it is, to do it your way. HOw important it is, that you are able to add value, by doing things your way, the way you love and the way you are good at them. Teach one and inspire one, that that is possible and that if one follows trough, in the end, one ends up in a position, where one truly wants to be and can thrive in.